*SOLD* Faceless Ones † The Bloody Shadow Master

*SOLD* Faceless Ones † The Bloody Shadow Master


Gray and bloody 1 of 1 variant. Ruler of the Shadow Lords.

The Faceless Ones are coming…

Three men, faces a horrifying tapestry of raw muscle and exposed bone, had sauntered in, the air itself seeming to curdle around them. They moved with an unnatural grace, like spiders scuttling across the linoleum floor. No screams pierced the night, only the chilling silence that followed the men's arrival. The whispers had circled for weeks, stories of men flayed alive, their agonies echoing across the desolate plains. Now, the Faceless Ones were back, and we knew the price of a revenge was about to come due in blood.

Uncle Frank from Hellraiser and the “Anatomy Man” inspired latex half mask.

LARGE mask! Great for big headed bearded folk. Might not work the best for you skinny faced folk. Smaller version coming in the future.

More photos, videos, process shots, and new products launched on Instagram @GravityBleeds

All artwork and products created, packaged, and shipped at Philbrix Studioz.

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